Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Self Growth Tutorial

This is our third blog post in our blog and social media tutorial series. Now that we've posted tutorials about the two most popular blogging services out there at the current moment, we are going to move on to social media sites. Let's begin with SelfGrowth.com.

SelfGrowth.com is a great website that aggregates self-improvement experts on the Web. There are numerous categories on their website including personal growth, finance, health and fitness and spirituality. In fact, most of our partners fit into one category or another.

The Self Growth website allows their users to link to their websites, etc. online. This guide outlines how to link to your digital media downloads from your SelfGrowth.com page so that you can increase exposure to yourself and your products.

Getting started

If you have not done so already, you should create a Self Growth account. The steps are easy and their interface walks you through this process. To get started go to http://selfgrowth.com/user/register. You will most likely want to create a Professional account.

Inserting your downloadable products into your SelfGrowth.com page:

Once you have created the account, you will need to submit your website for approval in order to create an ‘Expert Page.’ The approval process takes about 24 hours. Once that is done, you can edit your Expert Page, adding bio information, contact information and product information. Here are the steps for inserting the product links into your page:

  1. Login into your SelfGrowth.com account.
  2. Click on the ‘Expert Page’ tab from the yellow tabs at the top of the page
  3. Click on the ‘Products’ tab from the blue tabs at the top of the page. These will be right below the yellow tabs.
  4. Scroll down to the Audio & Video products section
  5. Leave this web page open and pull up a new tab or window in your web browser
  6. Go to http://affiliates.iamplify.com
  7. Login to your iAmplify Affiliate Account
  8. Search for the product you would like to feature
  9. Click on ‘Get Links’
  10. Copy the code for the product Text Link. Here is an example for the text link code for Marianne’s Miracle Matrix.: <a href=http://affiliate.iamplify.com/scripts/t.php?aid=b4958085&bid=0f97c381><b>Get a FREE 30-Day Subscription to Marianne Williamsons Miracle Matrix </b><br/><img src="http://affiliate.iamplify.com/scripts/sb.php?aid=b4958085&bid=0f97c381" width="1" height="1" alt="" border="0"/></a>
  11. Go back to the web page for SelfGrowth.com, which should still be in the products section of the ‘Expert Page’ tab.
  12. Insert the Product name in the box labeled ‘Title’
  13. Insert the text for the Text Link code box labeled URL
  14. Edit the Text Link so that only the bolded part remains (note that the numbers for the ‘aid’ and the ‘bid’ will be different when pulled from your affiliate account.)

<ahref=http://affiliate.iamplify.com/scripts/t.php?aid=b4958085&bid=0f97c381><b>Get a FREE 30-Day Subscription to Marianne Williamsons Miracle Matrix </b><br/><img src="http://affiliate.iamplify.com/scripts/sb.php?aid=b4958085&bid=0f97c381" width="1" height="1" alt="" border="0"/></a>

  1. Click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page.
  2. Repeat this process for each of the product you would like to feature on SelfGrowth.com (we would recommend you do this for all of them).

Other Tips

  • There are probably many other SelfGrowth.com experts in your industry. Be sure to network with them by becoming connected through the social networking feature in your account. This is a great way to meet others, create collaborations for seminars or downloadable products, etc.

1 comment:

mrktg said...

Always - sometimes even as the featured subject of the seminar - there's a great deal of motivation projected during these meetings. At the bottom line, motivation is more the purpose of these seminars for marketing than the attendees learning something they don't already know. The favourite words of most seminar speakers are usually, "It's the difference between having a dream and taking action - a matter of saying it, believing it, and then doing it - because you can!"