Last week, the Wall Street Journal wrote about Microsoft alleged interest to purchase a 5% stake in Facebook. The valuation of Facebook will be incredibly interesting for online marketers to see. While all the major digital forces, (Yahoo, Google, Microsoft) are clamoring to purchase Facebook, the simplest question is will advertising work on Facebook? Since Facebook users are more interested in communicating with their friends, do they even notice the ads?
In the meantime, while Facebook undertakes the task to find out the answers to those questions, here are some simple tips to market your company on Facebook:
1. Start a Group: Create a group on Facebook, populate the discussion areas and send an invite to everyone you know.
2. Send a drink to all your friends courtesy of your company, using the drinks application.
3. Create a quiz application that incorporates a few questions that promotes your company or your company products.
4. Giveaway a free product and watch it spread virally.